Jesus Teaching on Tithing

Jesus Teaching on Tithing

Partial Outline: FULL PDF HERE

Matthew 23:23

For those of you who have been a Christian a long time, I doubt you will learn anything new or profound from this message. But I trust, as Peter wrote, “to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.” For those of you who are new Christians, I pray this message might stir you to a greater commitment to honor God in your stewardship.

I started tithing when I was baptized in 1968. I have not regretted tithing since I began 49 years ago. Furthermore, I don’t know of any Christian who said he was sorry he ever started tithing.

So why don’t more Christian’s tithe? I suggest three reasons—

1. They may be ignorant of what the Bible says about tithing.
2. They are selfish… Tight-wads… Stingy.
3. They think tithing restricted to the Old Testament law. The truth is tithing was practiced before the law and after the law.

The first mention of tithing in the Bible is Genesis 14:20—400 years before the Law to Moses. Abraham was under no legal obligation to tithe.

  • Abraham is, “the father of all that believe” (Rom. 4:11).
  • Hebrews 7 identifies Melchizedek as a type of Christ.
  • Therefore, Abraham freely giving tithes to Melchizedek is an example to all believers when we give tithes to Christ’s work today.

I. Christ’s ENDORSEMENT of tithing (Mt. 23:23).

Jesus commended tithing as something that should be done.

A. The PORTION of the tithe. The word “tithe” simply means a tenth. Tithing is the giving of one tenth of ALL your income to God.

Tithing involves more than money. It involves all your increase (Dt. 14:22—“Thou shalt truly tithe ALL the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth…”)

B.  The PAYMENT of the tithe. A tithe should be PAID as you would pay any other obligation (house payment, car payment, etc.). It is not yours. Leviticus 27:30—“And all the tithe… is the LORD’S: it is holy unto the LORD.”

 Tithing is something that any honest person will do.

 Why do I tithe? NOT because it is commanded! I tithe because… (1) I love Jesus. And (2) it is the honest thing to do.

C.  The PERCEPTION of the tithe. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, not because they paid the tithe, but because failed to recognize that matters of the heart (judgment, mercy, faith) were more important to God.

II. The ESTABLISHMENT of tithing.

Tithing is established by three laws.

A. The law of the LORD (Mal. 3:10).  While we are not under legal obligation to tithe, as Israel was, there is another law that establishes the practice of tithing—

B. The law of LOVE (2 Cor. 8:1-3, 7-9, 24). Under grace we are under a HIGHER law. LOVE IS THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW.

C.  The law of LOGIC (1 Cor. 9:7-14). God’s plan is that preachers of the Gospel today are to be supported exactly as the priests in the O.T. were supported “out of the temple,” by tithes and offerings (see Num. 18:21 cf. Gal 6:6; 1 Tim. 5:17-18).

III. The ELEMENTS of tithing.

Partial Outline: FULL PDF HERE

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