Jesus The Carpenter

Jesus The Carpenter

Mark 6:1-6 (text. v. 3—a small glimpse of Jesus’ life in his parent’s home)

Today we will “walk with Jesus” in His occupation as a carpenter. He was a carpenter for about 15 years before he was a preacher for 31⁄2 years.

Several significant things about Jesus’ occupation as a carpenter:

I. His PREPARATION as a carpenter.

 A.   Raised in the home of a carpenter. It was a custom among Jewish fathers to teach their sons their skills.

Man of the common people.   – Jesus did not meet the requirements of the Jew’s idea of the Messiah. They expected the Messiah to come as a conquering king and re-establish the Kingdom. Jesus did not come as a King—He came a humble a carpenter. Why? To identify Himself with the common laborer.

  1. As a carpenter Jesus came to understand people’s burdens and needs. He knew what it was like to work and to be tired.
  2. Were all His customers easy to get along with? Did people notice anything special about His workmanship?

You can be sure His workmanship was second-to-none in Nazareth— “He hath done all things well” (Mk. 7:37)

Merit of manual labor. Jesus was not lazy. He was a workman!

  1. Work is a sacred responsibility before God (Ex.20:8-9).
    “As a carpenter, Jesus shows us that any honest profession can be carried out for the glory of God.
  2. It doesn’t matter what you do in life, as long as it is honorable work and you remain faithful to God.An epitaph on a tombstone in Great Britain reads: “Here lies Thomas Cobb, who mended shoes to the glory of God, for 40 years.” Amen! We can mend shoes to the glory of God.

II. His PROFESSION as a carpenter. 


Partical Sermon:  See PDF for full sermon

One Reply to “Jesus The Carpenter”

  1. Awesome outlines god has truly gifted you, my brother, to outline such great sermons, Me being disabled with a stroke 21 years ago with a blood clot still in my brain has slowed my memory and ability to put outlines together as much as i use to. You are very helpful to this preacher. I know god will truly bless you and your ministry

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