Jesus The Soul Winner

Jesus The Soul Winner

John 4:4-42

John 3 and 4 go “hand-in-hand.” Each chapter gives an example of how Jesus did personal soul winning. Jesus was the master soul winner. I don’t know of a better model of soul winning technique than how Jesus dealt with this lost woman of Samaria.

Note some parallels between Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus in John 3 and the Samaritan woman in John 4:

  • In John 3, Jesus dealt with a man—In John 4 He dealt with a woman.
  • Nicodemus was named—the woman was not named.
  • Nicodemus was an up-and-outer—the woman was a down-and-outer.
  • Nicodemus was a Jew—the woman was a Samaritan.
  • Nicodemus was moral—the woman was immoral.
  • Jesus’ encounter of Nicodemus took place at night—His encounter with the woman was during the day.
  • Both Nicodemus and the woman were ignorant of Who Christ was.
  • Both responded to Jesus’ first statement with a “How” (John 3:4; 4:9).
  • Both misunderstood the symbolic language and message of Christ (spiritual birth/human birth—spiritual water/material water).

BOTTOM LINE: Nicodemus and the woman both got saved!

Let’s observe and learn from Jesus as He gives us a soul winning demonstration at Jacob’s well.

I. His COMPULSION (v. 4—“…he must needs go through Samaria.”)

  1. Going out of His way—Jesus was going from Judaea to Galilee (cf. 2:22-23; v. 3).  Jews would avoid Samaritans (v. 9).  But Jesus was compelled to go out of His way keep a “divine appointment” with this woman at Jacob’s well who needed to be saved. He set aside Jewish traditions and racial differences to win one sinful woman.
  2. The extra effort—Winning a soul sometimes takes some extra effort. It was a tiring walk traveling over mountainous terrain to Sychar. John 4:6—“Jesus therefore, being WEARIED with his journey, sat thus on the well.” We must go when we are tired. We must not be weary in well doing (Gal. 6:9).


A.  A PRIORITY. Jesus had a deep CONCERN for the lost. He came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).

  1. In Psalm 142:4, David cried, “No man cared for my soul.”  But no one can say that of Jesus. He had a heart for souls.


Partial Sermon:  Click here for full PDF of sermon

One Reply to “Jesus The Soul Winner”

  1. Thanks so much REV. I have enjoyed your sermons and Lessons. I pray God to continued giving you His Grace for more sermons and Lessons.Greet the church and family.

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