JUBILEE-Gods Reset Button

JUBILEE-Gods Reset Button

Leviticus 25:8-23

Since next Sunday begins our week of Jubilee services, let’s see what the Bible says about this word “Jubilee.” This celebration is explained in Leviticus 25—It is one of the most revolutionary concepts in all the Bible.

“Jubilee” occurs 23 times in the KJV—16 times are in Leviticus 25.

The word “Jubilee” is a derivative of “Jubal,” the inventor of musical in- struments in Genesis 4:21. Music ushered in the year of Jubilee by the sound of the trumpet (Lev. 25:9). Music was an important aspect!

Strong’s Greek and Hebrew Dictionary says the Hebrew word (jobel) “jubile” means “shout of joy,” or “the joyful sound.” Our English word “jubilation” comes from “jubilee.”

Christians have SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT! [Tonight I will preach on “Reasons to Shout!”]

Jew were to celebrate Jubilee every 50 years. It involved three things:

A return to FREEDOM (Lev. 25:10).
I.     SLAVES WERE FREED (25:10, 39-41, 54).

  1. An Israelite could sell himself into the service of another to pay a debt, but he could not sell himself or his family forever into slavery—The Lord alone owned the sons of Israel since He had redeemed them from Egypt (25:42, 55).
  2. At the start of the Year of Jubilee, people were commanded to release their bond servants so that they might return to their own families. How could the Jews celebrate Jubilee if some of their family were in bondage and away from their loved ones?
  3. Jesus came to set us free from the bondage of sin.“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free…. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:32, 36).Paul wrote, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” (Gal. 5:1).
  • Freed from the bondage of fear… greed… lust… drugs… legalism… peer pressure… etc.


  1. What if we were to try this today? The average American owes $7,000 on credit cards. The trumpet would sound and all debts would be completely erased! Did I hear someone say, “Amen?”
  2. Jesus cancelled the sin debt when He died on the cross—“It is finished.” Paid in Full! You are free when you believe the Gospel.

II.   A rest of FAITH (Lev. 25:11-12).

A. It required faith to celebrate the year ofJubilee.


Partial Sermon: See PDF for full sermon

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