Just A Common Man

Just A Common Man

He must increase, but I must decrease —John 3:30

The Bible describes John the Baptist as a man who was great in the sight of the Lord (Luke 1:15). Jesus said there was none greater born of a woman than John (Mt. 11:11). Yet, John did nothing miraculous (John 10:41).  He was a common, ordinary man.

John reminds me of a man in our church. This man is a humble servant who cleans the church parking lot after he gets off work … shovels snow in the winter… mows the lawn in the summer… helps prepare breakfast for our Men’s monthly fellowship… and hangs out with our young people.  He never draws attention to himself, but prefers to simply serve God behind the scenes. Just an ordinary guy who loves the Lord.

John the Baptist was such a man.  He was not great in the sight of the world, but was great in the sight of the Lord, and that is what counts.  John simply bore witness to the Light (John 1:7). He pointed souls to Jesus (John 1:29). He said,He must increase, but I must decrease.”

May we seek to do the same, bearing witness to the Light and pointing people to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.  Just “bloom where you are planted.” We are just ordinary people who serve an extraordinary Savior!

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