Lessons From the Lawnmower

Lessons From the Lawnmower

They which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. — Titus 3:8

It ain’t even spring yet and I’ve already had to mow my glass twice in the month of February! It’s been strange weather we’ve had in the Pacific Northwest this winter. I even went out an purchased a new mower!

As I mowed my lawn with my new mower last Monday I got to thinking about how cutting the grass is similar to removing problems and maintaining the Christian life.

Much of life is about maintenance. We must maintain our cars, our homes, our relationships, our bodies, and our Christian walk with God.

Consider the following parallels of mowing the grass to removing problems in your life:

  1. You must START. You’ll never solve a problem until you begin to deal with it.
  2. Do one portion at a time. You cut one path at a time. Don’t try to solve all your problems at once. Deal with them one at a time.
  3. Pause occasionally to refresh yourself. Mowing is hard work and it’s helps to take a break to get a drink. Likewise, when dealing with problems, it is a good idea to pause occasionally and reflect on how you’re doing.
  4. Don’t focus on the uncut portion. Focus on the area you are cutting now. Likewise, don’t allow the size of your problems discourage you. Focus your attention on the issue you are cutting down to size at the present.
  5. Finish what you start. A half cut lawn doesn’t look good. Likewise, nothing is settled until it is settled right and settled with God.

Now, start up your mower an mow those problems down by the grace of God.

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