“Like A Tree…”

“Like A Tree…”

He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. — Psalm 1:3

The Bible often likens men to trees (Jud. 9:8; Ps. 92:12; Mk. 8:24). A tree is living, growing and stable as it’s roots spread outward and downward by the rivers of water. The righteous man is like a tree not a tombstone. A tombstone is stable, but it is dead.

David said, “My heart is fixed” (Ps. 108:1). Some saints have fixed heads and fixed “hinnies” glued in a pew. They are more like trees in the Petrified Forest than living, growing, fruitful trees by the rivers of water.

Our faith, too, must be like seed, not a stone, for living permanence endures because it perpetuates itself. A stone remains a stone… cold, barren, and lifeless. The Gospel reproduces itself from life to life.

Yes, be stable, but also grow and be fruitful. Multiply! Don’t petrify!

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