Living Like A Dog?

Living Like A Dog?

Am I a dog? —1 Samuel 17:43

What are you living for? What is your purpose in life?  For an unsaved man, who believes he is the product of evolution, he is just a animal. Therefore his purposes are no different than a dog.

All animals live for only three things:  (1) Self-preservation—They want to be safe. (2) Self-propagation—They want to raise a family.  (3) Self-gratification—They want to be comfortable.   If you are just an advanced form of an animal, those three things sum up your purpose for living—Protection, Posterity, Pleasure. Everything is centered on “self.” Even those who are involved in humanitarian works are ultimately doing it for self-satisfaction/gratification.  Luke 12:19 puts it this way, “Take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.” 

The Christian, on the other hand, has a higher calling and purpose in life than “self” (Phil. 3:14). This is because a Christian has a spiritual dimension in life no animal or the unsaved man has.  The Christian has the Holy Spirit indwelling him that gives him an eternal purpose—Glorifying God in our life and in our body (Phil. 1:20; 1 Cor. 6:19-20)!  No animal or unsaved man is interested in this.

Are you living for the same things as any respectable dog, or are you living for a higher purpose—God’s glory?

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