“…he did eat locusts and wild honey.” —Mark 1:6

What a diet of John the Baptist—Locusts and wild honey. Sugar coated bugs!

Many miss the spiritual lesson in John’s menu. Locusts in the Bible are a type of God’s judgment—God sent locusts in judgment upon Egypt and demonic locusts will be unleashed from the pit in the tribulation period (Ex. 10:4, Ps. 109:23; Rev. 9:3). Locusts are never good news in the Bible.

Honey is a type of the sweetness of God’s Word (Ps. 119:103). Honey is always a good thing in Scripture.

John the Baptist’s ministry was both sweet and sour—Heaven or Hell. It’s your choice. Believe God’s Word (honey) and be blessed. Reject God’s Word and you get Judgment (locusts).

Now, take your pick. What will it be? Honey or Locusts?

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