Making the Word of God of None Effect

Making the Word of God of None Effect

Mark 7:1-13 (Cf. Matthew 15:1-9)

Hebrews 4:12 says, “The word of God is quick and POWERFUL, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Jeremiah 23:29 says, “Is not my word like a as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (cf. Jer. 5:14) There can be no question of the inherent power of the Word of God. Paul wrote that it “effectually worketh also in you that believe” (1 Thess. 2:13).

Yet, our text says the Word of God can be rendered “of none effect” (Mk. 7:13). Our sword can be dulled so it no longer “cuts” to bring conviction. Let’s examine how this can happen.

I. By SCRUTINIZING it with a CRITICAL spirit (v. 2).

“THEN came together unto him the Pharisees…” (v. 1). When the Lord Jesus performed miracles, the Pharisees show up to criticize and find fault (6:56–7:2). They would travel nearly 100 miles from Jerusalem to criticize Jesus.

Every church has it’s share of those with critical attitudes. They complain: The sound system is too loud… The furnace is too hot… The air conditioning is too cool… The preacher is too loud… The sermon is too long… The singers are off-key… There are errors in the bulletin… and on and on it goes.

A critical woman once approached John Wesley, “Mr. Wesley, the strings on your tie are too long. It offends me!” Wesley asked if any of the ladies present had a pair of scissors in their purse. When the scissors were handed to him, he gave them to this woman and asked her to trim his tie to her liking. After she clipped them off, he asked, “Are you sure they’re all right now?” “Yes, that’s much better.” Wesley then said, “Good. Now, let me have those scissors for a moment. Madam, your tongue is an offense to me. It is much too long! Please stick it out…I’d like to trim some of it off.”

A. The PETTINESS of the complaint.

1. Critics usually major on minor issues—They“strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel” (Mt. 23:24). The tradition of washing hands before eating may be good hygiene, but it never commanded in the Word of God! Nothing wrong with washing your hands, but it is not essential to a person’s spirituality.

2. Their criticism was an indirect attack on the Word of God to lessen it’s effectiveness.

B. The PLOY of Satan (Gen. 3:1-6). Cast doubt on what God said.

To sit in judgment of the Word of God puts your authority over the authority of the Bible. God’s Word is perfect—faultless—Infallible (Ps. 19:7). We don’t find fault / judge with the Bible—It finds fault in us / judges us.

II. By SPEAKING it with vain LIP-SERVICE (vs. 6-8).

The Pharisees were BIG on non-scriptural rituals and external cleanings. But they neglected the more important internal matters of the heart. Jesus rebuked this hypocrisy in Matthew 23:25-28.

ILLUS: Parents can be very strict about their children washing their hands before dinner. But they allow their children to watch perverse TV shows or movies and play wicked video games that corrupt their child’s heart. What is more important—Having clean hands before dinner or a clean heart before God?

A. To preach God’s Word from the lips instead of from the spirit is deadly “letter preaching.” 1 Cor. 3:6— “Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament NOT OF THE LETTER, but of the spirit: For the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.”

B. Some men preach the Word of God from their head, but not from their heart. It is their profession, not their passion. When men use the Bible merely as a tool of their “employment,” it becomes of none-effect.

C. When you fail to study the Bible for your own personal devotions, and use it only for preparing S.S. lessons and sermons, it becomes of none-effect.

We should come to God’s Word saying, “Speak Lord, thy servant heareth.”

Partial sermon: CLICK HERE for full Sermon PDF

One Reply to “Making the Word of God of None Effect”

  1. 17 in attendance. Held our Life Group meeting outside followed by a BBQ in honor of Mickael and Lindsey.

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