Man Who Carried Jesus’ Cross

Man Who Carried Jesus’ Cross

Luke 23:26-33

Our text mentions the man who carried Jesus’ cross. His name was Simon the Cyrenian—In addition to our text He is also mentioned in…

Matthew 27:32—And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.

Mark 15:21—And they compel one Simon a Cyrenian, who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross.

Cyrene was the capital city of Libya in North Africa. Cyrene is modern day Benghazi where the United States consulate was attacked by Islamic terrorists on September 11, 2012 killing four Americans including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

Simon was 1,200 miles from home. Why was he in Jerusalem? He was probably there to attend the Passover. He was part of the tens of thousands of people who thronged Jerusalem on this day.

  • Simon is a picture of every disciple, bearing his cross.

I.    His COURSE that was hindered.

  • Simon just arrived “out of country” (Luke 23:26). He has already traveled a great distance.A.  The PROCESSION approaches.
    1. On his way to Jerusalem that morning he saw a procession approaching down the street. He steps aside and waits for the crowd pass before continuing into the city.
    2.  He watches as the mob passes by and sees three prisoners each bearing a cross. A soldier is carrying a large hammer and a sack of iron nails.

      B.  The PRISONER appears.

      1. One of the prisoners was beaten almost beyond recognition. Blood is flowing freely down His swollen face from a crown of thorns on his head. His clothes are bloody from wounds where He was scourged. Weakened from the lose of blood and exhaustion He struggles bearing the cross.

  • The Scripture never says Jesus fell beneath the the cross.

2. The soldiers order the prisoners to move faster, but Jesus struggles beneath the heavy cross. So they conscript another man to carry Christ’s cross to speed up the procession. Suddenly Simon feels the heavy hand of a soldier on his shoulder. He orders Simon, “Shoulder that cross!”


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