Missing my mom…

Missing my mom…

I just read a Facebook post about someone’s “mama” being in heaven, and my tears began to flow…

My mom’s been gone over 30 years and that wound can still be pricked in just a moment. I am missing talking with her every day, writing to her every week…. hearing from her every week.

Mom with Bill about 1962, in our front yard on Annapolis Street.

If you still have your mama, what time will you spend with her this week, while you can? [She knows you love her… but enough to spend more than a few minutes at a time with her?]

I am betting she misses your every day phone calls about nothing in particular!

She was one tough mama, and loved us more than her own life! She was a single mom working in a man’s job at a factory to provide for us when Dad failed at it due to alcoholism. I miss her today…

3 Replies to “Missing my mom…”

  1. She was kind and welcoming when I barged into the scene back in the day under strange circumstances. One of the best "hidden blessings" God had for me was meeting the Farwell clan. Love you, Barb XOJan

  2. You never really appreciate your Mom like you should until they are gone. While I look forward to that reunion with my Mom and Dad in the rapture, I regret they didn't live long enough to see me as a Christian preaching the Gospel.

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