My House versus God’s House

My House versus God’s House

Elegance for ourselvesLo, I dwell in an house of cedars, but the ark of the covenant of the Lord remaineth under curtains. —1 Chronicles 17:1

A house of cedar for man… a tent for God. Man gets the best… God gets second-best.

David was correct in his contrasting his own indulgences with the neglect of the things of God. Many today need to assess how they embellish their own lives, but ignore work of God’s house.  Are we generous when it comes to our wants and cheap when it comes to the needs of God’s house?

“I dwell in an house of cedars…” I dwell in the affluence of America, but what of missionaries doing God’s work in third world countries? Are my concerns confined within my own cedar walls, or do they go out to God’s servants in neglected field’s of ministry?

Think about it!

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