

“Ye… strain at a gnat” — Mt. 23:24

I recently received a gentle, but needed, rebuke when I pointed out an error in something someone said. The error was of no consequence and didn’t matter or change the main message of what was being said. While I nit-picked at a minor miscue, I missed the whole point that was trying to be communicated.

The Pharisees were known for their nit-picking. They were more concerned about the outside of the cup being clean than the inside. While they were so meticulous about being exact to the nth degree in the amount they tithed, they neglected the more weightier matters of mercy and faith.

Some people, like the Pharisees, make mountains out of molehills. They like to find fault in every little thing… Things that make no difference one way or the other.

Let’s not be “doting about questions and strifes of words.” Ask yourself, “Does this really matter, or am I nit-picking?” There are somethings that aren’t worth arguing about.

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