Not Just A List of Names

Not Just A List of Names

Not Just a List of Names

Read Romans 16:1-23

As you read your Bible and come across one of those long lists of names you can hardly pronounce, are you ever tempted to skip over them (like I am!)?  To be honest, I sometimes just have to force myself to fumble through the list wondering, “Lord, why did You put this tedious list of names in Your Word?”

When you come to Romans 16 you have one of those long lists of names. But this list is more than just names on paper. These are names etched in the granite of Scripture.  Each of those 35 names represent a real person who was a friend or associate of the Apostle Paul.  Paul didn’t just lump all of these individuals into a general group and say, “Greetings to all the saints at Rome.” These were individuals who were dear to Paul’s heart. Love particularizes. As Jesus calls his own sheep by name (John 10:3), so does Paul.

What makes this list of people in Rome more impressive is the fact that Paul had never been to Rome!  How did Paul remember all these names?  Perhaps one reason he could recite all these names so readily was because they were part of his prayer list (see Rom. 1:9; Eph. 1:16; 1 Thess 1:2)?

In a day and age that knew nothing of email, Facebook, or smart phones, the fact Paul was able to know the whereabouts of so many people reveals his great interest and concern for them.  Think of what it took to “stay in touch” with these friends.  Imagine Paul on ship and in port asking travelers for information: “What about Epaenetus? Is he still growing in faith?  How is Urbane doing? Is Persis still serving the Lord? Is there anything I can pray for?”

Names are important and the truth is, you learn the names of the persons you really care about.  Businesses know this so they greet their customers by name.  How can we who are in God’s business do any less?

And, one of the best ways to learn a person’s name is to pray for them regularly.

3 Replies to “Not Just A List of Names”

  1. Preacher,

    I had a small group over Friday evening for a fellowship. It was not a life group meeting. We lit a fire in my fire pit and grilled some dogs and Keilbasa and had some yummy pasta salad. We talked about the Jubilee.

    While the discussion was going on about the Jubilee I sat quietly and reflected on some related things and you came to mind. I just wanted to take a moment and let you know that I consider it a blessing to sit under your teaching and preaching!

    I know that you work hard preparing lessons and sermons but you also carry a burden for your flock that I am sure at times can be almost overwhelming. I can’t imagine what it’s like to get those calls from a member who is in deep anquish, whose really just watching their world unravel in front of their eyes. I think to be an under-shepard you take on the mantle of a man of sorrows.

    Your hard work in putting together the Jubilee has already yeilded fruit in my life. I feel so much more grounded as a result of the sermons and the song services. Brother McNeese kept me up several nights. His messages really challenged me.

    At any rate it is very late and I must go to bed. Preacher again “Thank You” for who you are and for what you do.

    II Corinthians 9:8. Brother Dewey Abbott

  2. This message is ment for me. I need to make a U turn and know all my members by their names. I thank God for this message. And I thank you as well.

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