Thorn stemFor the creature was made subject to vanity, NOT WILLINGLY…” —Romans 8:20

The context of Paul’s statement is how creation was “made subject to vanity” because of Adam’s sin, and now creation “groaneth and travaileth in pain” (Rom. 8:22). Before Adam’s sin (Gen. 3) the creation innocent and was at peace.  Groaning and pain were unknown in the Garden paradise. But since Adam’s sin, groaning and pain are found everywhere throughout the earth.

Creation is the innocent victim of Adam’s sin.  It was subjected to vanity, emptiness, frustration, and travail “NOT WILLINGLY,”  but because of the dumb decision of Adam.  God told Adam after he sinned, “Cursed is the ground FOR THY SAKE” (Gen. 3:17). Creation didn’t ask for thorns and thistles. They came into being because of the mistake of another.

Likewise, many today are suffering with problems that are no fault of their own. They are in painful and frustrating situations, “NOT WILLINGLY,” but because someone else made a stupid decision.

Remember, your decisions will not only affect yourself, but also have repercussions on other innocent people around you (Rom. 14:7).

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One Reply to ““…NOT WILLINGLY…””

  1. When I first heard you mention this at church, it was very thought provoking. I remember a song or poem that spoke of how the earth must have felt when it had to absorb the perfect blood of its Creator. This verse is along those same lines. Genesis one tells us that when God created the earth, that it was good. Then, just two chapters later, He cursed the ground because of the sin of Adam. How very sad. I know that we never take into consideration the consequences that our sins may have on those around us. I hope that this devotion will cause us to think more deeply about everything that we do or don’t do.

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