Nothing Better For Me…

I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: THERE IS NOTHING BETTER FOR ME THAN that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines.”  —1 Samuel 27:1

David is talking to himself, but he is not having an intelligent conversation! He is lying to himself.  He is looking at his ordeal with Saul from a purely humanistic viewpoint.

In spite of being reassured on numerous occasions that He would be King, He is feeding himself a lie that he is going to be killed by Saul.  In self-pity he rationalizes his “best” option is to run to the enemy for refuge!  He is talking himself into making a big mistake.

How often do people make similar rationalizations when trying to figure a way out of a difficult situation.  There is nothing better for me than…”

…to leave home.

…to move to another city.

…to get a divorce.

…to quit church.

…to find another job.

     How about these alternatives:  There is nothing better for me than

…to pray and seek God’s face.

…to trust God for deliverance.

…to let patience have it’s perfect work.

…to commit my way unto the Lord.

     Psalm 118:8 tells us what is better— It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man” (or in my own human reasonings).


  1. Touching thought Preacher! Indeed, Satan will try to divert us from God’s purpose by influencing us to believe his lies. He is a liar and the father of lies. You inspired me to decern every thought so that my trust can be in Jesus alone! Thank you..

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