WOW… as we drove to church this morning, the sun was coming up behind us. Hubby pulled the car over so I could grab a few shots. I just thought I should clue in you folks that did not know the sun rises gradually, that you missed quite a show!

Doesn’t GOD paint some great sky photos?
3 Replies to “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!”
You captured some beautiful color!
Beautiful Barb! I'm not always up early enough to see the sunrises but I agree…God is the master Artist!
Loved your sunrise on the way to church….it certainly looks like a beautiful drive. Greg & I leave at 7:15 a.m. for church, because he drives the van route… so there have been some very beautiful sunrises that we have enjoyed on our way in…of course ours has Costco in the background…not the mountains. Then there's the times we see the sunset on the way home in the fall. God is good. Come see us sometime.