On Entertaining Strangers (Part 2)

On Entertaining Strangers (Part 2)

Entertaining Angels Unawares (Part 2)

[This is the continuation of yesterday’s devotion of Dr. Tom Malone’s account of a recluse he lead to Christ named Arthur McVane. To read part one click HERE.]

When Dr. Malone founded Midwestern Baptist College in the mid 1950’s, the student body grew to the point where they needed a campus and buildings. Arthur McVane visit Dr. Malone’s office and said, “I have a $5,000 check for you to put down on that thirty-two acres located right here by the church. Why don’t you go and ask the realtors what they will take for it?” So, Dr. Malone contacted the real estate office and finally agreed on the price of $32,000. Dr. Malone took the $5,000 that Arthur McVane gave and another $2,000 from the church account and put $7,000 down and the church would finance the balance.

On this 32 acres of land was a very large hill of sandy soil. No building could be built until that hill was leveled.  Before it was time for the church to pay the first note on the land two men approached Dr. Malone about buying the sand on the property to use in road improvements nearby. The men offered to pay $14 per yard. Dr. Malone had no idea what the fill soil was worth, so he counter-offered $17 a yard. The men said they would need to talk to their supervisor about his offer.

In a few days, they contacted Dr. Malone and agreed to buy the hill of dirt for $17 per yard.  After the hill of dirt was finally removed, the road construction company had paid $25,000 for the sandy hill! God not only supplied the property upon which Midwestern would be build, but also paved the road leading to it!

I remember hearing Dr. Malone describe Arthur McVane as “an angel unawares.”  Who am I to say he wasn’t?

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” —Hebrews 13:2

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