And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. —Romans 8:28

Sometimes I hesitate to quote Romans 8:28 in a difficult situation because I may become complacent to it’s promise or it might become like a cliche through overuse. We can see the constellations in the sky most any night, and we don’t get too excited about it. What if the constellations only appeared in the sky at night once every ten years? Wouldn’t that be an exciting event!

I recently was having a problem with sensitivity in one of my teeth. I purchased a product to reduce the sensitivity of this tooth. The package said, “GOOD FOR ONE APPLICATION ONLY.” What if you could claim the promise of Romans 8:28 only one time in your life? What if it were like a heavenly voucher or coupon that was only good for one situation. You would hold onto it and save it for the greatest tragedy of your life!

Praise God, Romans 8:28 is not limited to one application only! It is available to be applied to any and every circumstance you ever face! It can never be worn out, overused, or become trite! So, feel free to use it… quote it… and rely on it OFTEN!

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