Our Prayer Partner

Our Prayer Partner

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities. —Romans 8:26

“I can’t think or pray or feel as I ought. What shall I do?” You never will be able to do or be perfectly as you wish you might while you are in the flesh. You are a child of Adam, and the best falls far short. How often have we resolved, yielded, committed, dedicated ourselves, and then felt how poorly we had done it! No one ever prayed a prayer or preached a sermon that completely satisfied him. We are not to look in that direction for satisfaction.

Paul says in Romans 8 that we do not even know what to pray for as we ought, let alone how to pray, but the Spirit makes up our lack. God knows the intent of the heart, however poorly the lips express it.

If you can’t pray like you want to, pray as you can. God knows what you mean. And you have good help – the Advocate who is God’s Son and the Comforter who is God’s Spirit. They will take your feeblest prayer and make it perfect.

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