Pastor Ronnie Reid – An Old Disciple
“Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.”—1 Timothy 5:17

Barb and I have been attending West Shores Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL for the past six weeks. I’ve preached here several times. God used Pastor Ronnie Reid to establish this good church 44 years ago. Pastor Ronnie is retired now and uses a walker to get around. [The new pastor is Don Kunnmann. See pic below.] Although Brother Ronnie is no longer able to pastor, he still teaches an adult Sunday School Class in the church. The church he pastored for over 40 years still takes care of him financially. I believe with all my heart that “God takes care of the church that takes care of God’s man.” This is one reason why I believe God’s blessings will remain on this church as it goes forward for Christ.
The Psalmist prayed in Psalm 71:9—“Cast me not off in the time of old age.” Too often when a pastor gets up in years a church will “turn him out to pasture.” This happened to Samuel—“And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, Israel rejected him saying, “Behold, thou art old” (1 Sam. 8:1, 5). How sad when a man of God still has so much to contribute to the ministry of a local church (Acts 21:16; Philemon 9). It reminds me of a song Russ Fox wrote titled “OLD WORN OUT SHOE.”
Thank God for a churches like West Shores Baptist that have not tossed out their former pastor like an old worn out shoe! And, thank God for faithful preachers like Ronnie Reid. May their tribe increase!
Proverbs 16:31 says, “The hoary head is a crown of glory.” Amen!

6 Replies to “Pastor Ronnie Reid – An Old Disciple”
I grew up under the pastor ing of Bro. Ronnie. I can truly say that I have never been able to find a pastor that can teach me the way He did. I learned so much thru his sermons. God bless you Bro. Ronnie, I will always love you for teaching me the right way. GOD’S WAY!!
I attended West Shores Baptist Church many years ago, 25 or more. The company I worked for has transferred me all over this country and I can honestly say that I have yet to find another pastor that is greater than brother Ronnie. I was church secretary and went on visitations with him on thursdays. He was a fiesty ball of fire then and although he’s aged,(we all have) looks like the same little fireball I remember. Please thank him for me for everything he taught me. Not just the Bible , but of people and seeing them through God’s eyes, not our own. Love him dearly
Barb, what a blessing to hear from you! You were an important part of my early Christian years, and I always remember fondly the after-church lunches I shared with you and your family. Bro. Ronnie’s physical ailments prevent him from serving the Lord like he used to, but he is still serving at WSBC.
I know it was a long time ago, but do you remember the man I was dating when you moved away? Well, that is him standing next to Bro. Ronnie above. After preaching there for 25+ years, God has called him to pastor WSBC.
If you are ever in the area, it would be wonderful to see you!
What a blessing.
Amen Alice!!! Brother Ronnie has be a faithful man of God through the years. What an encouragement to all of us.
It’s been a blessing to help this church get off the ground again after a bad year. Thankful we could steer them to Roy Gregson for help on their printing / evangelism efforts and signs in the coming year.