Pearl of Great Price, The

Pearl of Great Price, The

Mt. 13:45-46 [The Parable of the Merchant Man]

All these parables illustrate God has a plan for mankind. The first four parables show how the devil seeks to thwart God’s plan by:

(1) hindering the seed from bearing fruit;
(2) planting counterfeit agents along side of the true children of the kingdom;
(3) lodging false apostles  amongst the branches of kingdom;
(4) kneading false doctrine into the meal.

Jesus teaches His disciples privately in these last three parables that God’s plan will not be thwarted. Remember, “the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven” deal with the interval of time between Israel’s rejection of their Messiah/King to the return of the King. God’s plan for establishing His kingdom on earth was not abandoned—It is held in a “mystery form” until Christ returns.

This parable is similar to the parable of the hidden treasure (v. 44).
1.    Both parables deal with something valuable a man purchases at great cost.
2.    In the parable of the hidden treasure, the treasure is hid in a field. This parable concerns a valuable pearl found in the sea.
3.    The pearl is NOT compared to the kingdom of heaven (unlike the hidden treasure)— Rather, the merchant man is likened to the kingdom. Therefore, this parable represents a different aspect of the kingdom than the hidden treasure.

God’s treasure is Israel. Jesus purchased the field (the world) and the treasure within the world. Israel is now hidden in the world, scattered amongst the nations. But one day it will be restored in glory. But, Israel is not the only concern of God. God also has a great love for the church (Eph. 5:25). Just as Israel is God’s hidden treasure today—So the church was “the mystery which from the beginning of the  world hath been hid in God” (Eph. 3:9). The church is that “one pearl of  great price.


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