Please… FENCE ME IN.

Please… FENCE ME IN.

Having a beautiful, springlike winter has been a blessing to us. The random rainfalls have been less sporadic and much lighter than our normal. January went on record as the driest on record for 88 years! We are currently setting a record of over 45 days over 45 degrees, and it continues.
During the last rainy, windy storm two panels of our rear fence fell down. After inspecting the damage, we realized the repairs could not wait for later. We set out to get a replacement fence and enlisted son-in-law Jesse to get price quotes for us.
While we waited for the quote, Al removed the old fence.

We decided to replace our fir and cedar fence with chain link, so we will not have to replace it again. They set the posts on the old fence line.

The sandy soil made quick post hole digging and the posts went in quickly by Saturday afternoon.

The dogs were fascinated with the new “see-thru” fence and the resulting “perimeter path” that was created in the process.
We will finish the last 30 or so feet in the spring, but we could not have asked for better fencing weather! While the east coast was buried in snow, we were enjoying blue skies and fluffy clouds.

2 Replies to “Please… FENCE ME IN.”

  1. I loved working with Jesse putting up our new chain link fence. Great fellowship and a sense of accomplishment when we got it done. And it looks pretty good for a couple of amateurs who never put up a chain link fence before.

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