Pray With Thanksgiving

Pray With Thanksgiving

Praying With Thanksgiving

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known unto God. —Philippians 4:6

Notice thanksgiving is to made WITH our requests, NOT after the answer comes. It is thanking God in advance of receiving what you’ve asked for. To do this requires FAITH that God has heard your request and will answer.

Last week I sent an email to a young lady in our church with the new message for our church sign. I also thanked her at the same time for updating the sign. I thanked her in advance because I had the confidence she would take care of my request.

Likewise, when we pray WITH thanksgiving we are demonstrating to God our confidence in Him that He has heard and the answer is already on the way!

It does no good to bring your requests to God if you do not believe He is going to answer.

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