Presenting Your Body To God

Presenting Your Body To God

Presenting Your Body To God

“…PRESENT your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God…” — Romans 12:1

God wants your body. God gave His body for you as a sacrifice on the cross, therefore we should present God our body to Him as a living sacrifice.

The word “present” means “to place near the hand,” as a person would present an award or a trophy to another. When you present your body to God, you are placing it at His hand to pick up and use at His discretion.

I’ve sometimes used a shoe or book to pound a nail in the wall to hang a picture.  A hammer would have done a better job, but at the time a hammer wasn’t within my reach. So I picked up whatever was closest to my hand that would do the job.  The same is true of God. There are a lot more men that can do a much better job preaching a sermon than I can.  But they are not available to God. So God picks me up to do the job since I’ve made my body readily available to Him.

Remember this: “You are only as valuable to God as you are available to God.” What good is a million dollar Stradivarius’ violin behind a glass window in a museum that you cannot get your hands on?  A $100 Sears & Roebuck fiddle would be of more practical value because you can get your hands on it to make music.

Give God your body (hands, feet, voice, etc.). Then watch God pick you up and use you for His glory!

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