The Question of Questions

The Question of Questions

John 9:1-38 (text v. 35)

Context of the question.
1. Jesus heals a man who was born blind. He followed Christ’s instructions and received his sight.
2. Questioned by neighbors (vs. 8-12). Perplexed they took him to the Pharisees.
3. Interrogated by the Pharisees (vs. 13-17). Concern about Sabbath.
4. Family divided over him (vs. 18-23). Remain neutral.
5. Reviled and cast out of the synagogue (vs. 24-34).
6. Sought out by Jesus (vs. 35).

This man was left alone—Banished by his religion… Misunderstood by his family… Ostracized by his neighbors. But, Jesus went searching for him! Jesus is seeking you… seeking to know, “Dost thou believe on the Son of God?”


A. The question is PROPOSED (v. 35). By Christ… About Christ.
[NOTE: Only a King James Bible reads “the Son of GOD” in this verse. Every other translation changes “the Son of God” to “the Son of Man.” While Jesus was sometimes called “the Son of Man” to denote His human nature, the Gospel of John emphasizes Jesus divine nature as “the Son of God.” See John 20:31.

1. Jesus did not ask the man about his former life or religious affiliation. Jesus didn’t ask him about the interrogation of the Pharisees or what he believed about working on the Sabbath.
2. Jesus cuts right to the chase. The only thing that mattered was did he believe ON “the Son of God”? Everything else would hinge on that.

•A person can know all about church… religion… Christianity, yet still not believe ON Christ.

B. The question is PERSONAL—“Dost THOU believe on the Son of God?”

1. The question is not about what your parents believe, what your friends believe, or what your church believes.

What do you believe?
I believe what my church believes.
What does your church believe?
My church believes what I believe?
What does you and your church believe?
Well, we both believes the same thing.

2. Every man must answer for himself.

C. The question is PLAIN.

1. Is simple—not complex.

•It is not what you believe, but on whom do you believe.

•It is not what church do you belong to, but do believe on the Son of God.

2. Only two possible answers—Yes or No. Either you believe or you don’t! No middle ground.
3. What does it mean to “believe?”

a) “Believe” is not mere mental assent. The devil believes Jesus is “the Son of God” but is not saved (James 2:19).
b) To “believe ON the Son of God” means to trust Him… commit your soul to Him… to rely upon Him to save you.

What are you trusting to get you to heaven?

Believing in itself doesn’t save, but where your faith is placed—“Dost thou believe ON the Son of God?”
The Philippian jailer asked the Apostle Paul, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul answered, “Believe ON the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).

•Like sitting in a chair. You may believe a chair exists and can hold you up, but until you trust your body to the chair, the chair will do you no good.

•ILLUS: The Rope Swing.

•Like getting on a plane. You may believe a plane can fly and take you to your destination, but until you get on board, the plane will leave without you.

•You may believe Jesus is the Son of God… That He died and rose again… And believe He could take you to heaven. BUT until you actually entrust your soul’s salvation to Him, you will not go to heaven.

•A person may believe Jesus is “the Son of God,” but not have a relationship with Him. What is your relationship with Jesus?

D. The question is PRESSING. It cannot be evaded.

1. The question Jesus asked is just as vital today as it ever was.
2. The question is vital to where a person will spend eternity. By your answer to this question, you are saved or lost; you will rejoice in heaven or be ruined in hell.
3. No spiritual progress can be made until this question is answered.

II. The ANSWER (vs. 36-38).


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