Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. —Luke 11:28

When a manufacturer makes a machine it also provides an instruction manual on how to operate the machine. When God made man He also provided an “instruction manual” telling how man was designed to be operated—The Bible.

What happens when you disregard the instruction manual? You have trouble – things go wrong — You get frustrated! Likewise, when you disregard God’s “instruction manual,” you’ll have confusion, frustration, and unhappiness.

Jesus taught a parable about two home builders (Mt. 7:24-27). One built his house upon the rock, the other upon the sand. When the rains and floods came, the house upon the rock stood firm, but the house on the sand fell. The lesson Jesus was teaching was one house was built according to God’s Word and the other was not. If we want our live’s to stand against the storms of life, we better build them according to God’s “instruction manual.”

Someone has said, “When all else fails, read the instructions!” Better still—Avoid failing and read the instructions FIRST!

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