Reconciling the Love of God and Hell

Reconciling the Love of God and Hell

John 3:16; Matthew 10:28; Ezekiel 18:23-32

I’ve enjoyed preaching on the subject of the love of God all this year. As I bring this series of sermons on the love of God to a close, I admit this is one message I have no enjoyment in preaching. But I must preach it if I am to be true to my calling to preach the whole counsel of God.

Most of you have probably seen the famous sculpture called “The Thinker” by Auguste Rodin. It depicts a man sitting in serious thought. The statue was originally created in 1880 as part of a larger work called “The Gates of Hell.” What is “The Thinker” thinking about? According to the artist, “The Thinker” is sitting in amazement as he contemplates lost people in hell.

If there were ever a subject that deserves our serious thought, it would be hell. However, most of us don’t like thinking about hell.

The question we face is: “How can a loving God allow people to go to hell and burn forever?” Most of the time, people use this question as an excuse to justify their rejection of God and the Bible.

I will admit the subject of hell is a chilling and unsavory subject. But, the issue is not weather it is unpleasant—The question we must face is— Is it true? This much is certain—This is one subject we cannot be indif- ferent or neutral about. Too much is at stake.

I recently read about a woman who refused to talk about life after death. She did not want her children to be disappointed if it turned out there was no life after death. Hey! If there is no life after death, there will be no consciousness to feel disappointment! But, if there is life after death, as the Bible says, and someone dies unsaved, there will be some- thing far worse than disappointment!

I. The REALITY of Hell.

According to a recent Harris Poll 89% of Americans believe there is a heaven, but only 31% believe there is a literal place called hell.

A. Misconceptions about hell:

1. Hell is an eternal party.

2. Annihilation—non-existence after death.

3. Universalism—eventually everyone will be saved

4. Purgatory—people will get a second chance

5. Worst misconception of all—hell simply doesn’t exist.

When England closed it’s Libyan Embassy, Muammar Qaddafi became so angry that he ordered England to be removed from all maps in Libya. Simply removing England from a map does not mean it doesn’t exist. Just because people don’t believe in hell doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Hell is very real.

B. Bible statements about hell.

There are over 50 references to hell in the N.T. To not believe in a literal hell is to not believe the Bible, or reinterpret the Bible to suit your liking.


1. Unquenchable fire (Mk.9:43-48). “…a furnace of fire…”(Mt. •13:42, 50).


PARTIAL SERMON:  See PDF for full sermon

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