RELATIONSHIPS: A Blessing or a Curse?

RELATIONSHIPS: A Blessing or a Curse?

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. —Proverbs 13:20

Life is about relationships. The company you keep will have a great deal to so with your conduct (Ps. 106:35; Prov. 22:24-25; 26:4; 1 Cor. 15:33). The friends you choose matter. The places you go matter. Your co-workers and class-mates matter.  RELATIONSHIP’S WITH THE WRONG PEOPLE CAN DESTROY YOU!

That is why separation is so important (Ex. 23:31-33; 1 Kings 11:1-2; Acts 2:40; 2 Cor. 6:17; Eph. 5:11; James 4:4).

  1. When God wants to bless you, He brings a person in your life—A companion, a spouse, a neighbor, a new church member, etc.
  • When God wanted to bless DAVID, He put JONATHAN in His life!
  • When God wanted to bless PAUL, He put BARNABAS in his life!
  • When God wanted to bless MOSES, He put AARON in his life!
  • When God wanted to bless RUTH, He put BOAZ in her life!
  • When God wanted to bless JEREMIAH, He put BARUCH in his life!
  • When God wanted to bless ME, He put BARBARA in my life!

God usually sends His blessings through people.  One person God has used to bless my life many, many times is Pastor Ken Blue. Thank you, Lord!

  1. When Satan wants to hinder you, He will also brings a person in your life! To be honest, there are some people who came into my life that I would rather they did not.
  • When Satan wanted to stop SOLOMON, he sent the DAUGHTER OF PHARAOH in his life.
  • When Satan wanted to hinder JEHOSHAPHAT he brought AHAB into his life.
  • When Satan wanted to hinder THE FARMER IN THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER he sent an ENEMY to sow tares in his field!
  • When Satan tried to stop PAUL he put ALEXANDER the coppersmith in his life!
  • When Satan wanted to destroy MORDECAI he put HAMAAN in his life!
  • When Satan wanted to destroy DANIEL he put the Persian PRESIDENTS in his life!
  • When Satan wanted to destroy JOHN the Baptist he put KING HEROD in His life!
  • When Satan wanted to stop Jesus, He put JUDAS in His life!

Consider each person in your relationships.  Ask God, “Lord, did You plant this person in my life; or did the enemy plant this person in my life?” Ask yourself— Is this person helping me in my walk with Christ, or hindering my walk with the Lord?

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