Responding To God’s Goodness

Responding To God’s Goodness

“Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?” —Romans 2:4

God has been so good to America. The riches of His goodness are abounding. And how does America respond to God’s manifold blessings? We trample underfoot God’s goodness without giving Him a word of thanks. His goodness is treated lightly and taken for granted.

God’s goodness is His appeal for us to repent. He is forbearing and patient with us. Yet, we presume on His goodness, thinking we deserve it. When we fail to respond to His goodness with repentance, we are actually showing contempt for His goodness.

Paul continues by saying, “After thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath…” (Romans 2:5). God’s goodness and patience is like a dam holding back His wrath. The longer we enjoy His goodness without repentance, we are treasuring up wrath. It continues to build up until one day the dam of His forbearance will break and His wrath will burst forth like a flood.

The longer someone enjoys God’s goodness, but never repents, the more severe his judgment will be (read Matthew 11:20-24). America, take heed!

How do you treat God’s goodness? Never presume upon it? It is God calling you to repentance.

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