Safety Within the Flock

Safety Within the Flock

“…come together… that Satan tempt you not…” —1 Corinthians 7:5

While the context of this verse refers to a marital relationship, it also applies to our relationship to each other in a local church. It is vital for us to stay close and stick together as a church.  As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:25, “That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.”

In the May, 1987 issue of National Geographic there was an article about the arctic wolf.  It described how a pack of seven wolves had targeted several musk-oxen calves who were guarded by eleven mature oxen.  As the wolves approached their prey, the musk-oxen bunched together in a impenetrable semicircle, while the calves remained safe during the long standoff.

But suddenly one ox broke rank, and the herd scattered.  A skirmish ensued, and the other adult oxen fled in panic, leaving the young calves at the mercy of the wolves. Not a single calf survived.

Paul warned of “wolves” that attack the church today (Acts 20:29).  As long as we stick close together and watch each other’s back, we are safe.  But, when believers break ranks they become easy prey for the enemy.  An isolated sheep usually ends up the victim of our adversary, who is “seeking whom he may devour” (1 Pet. 5:8).

We need to stick together as God’s flock.  There is safety in numbers! Lets embrace the concept of “we” rather than “me” in our church. With Christ as our Shepherd and fellow believers surrounding us, we find safety in the flock.

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