Savior’s Drawing Power

Savior’s Drawing Power

Luke 2:7-16

For the next three weeks I will be preaching a series of messages centering around the birth of Christ. In this message we will consider “The Savior’s Drawing Power.”

Throughout the earthly ministry of Christ, He always drew a crowd:multitudes flocked to Him. There is something about Jesus that attracts people to Him (and also repels people).

Even when He was a baby, people were drawn to Jesus—The Shepherds, Simeon, and the wise men from the east were all drawn to Christ by some form of divine revelation. Apart from the revelation they received, none of them would have come to Jesus.

I.   The shepherds came by a revelation that was PROCLAIMED  (Luke 2:7-16).

A.   The DECLARATION concerning the Messiah. Good news… Salvation…

B.  The DECISION to move (v. 16).

C.  The DASH to the manger (v.16). No delay! Made a beeline to the manger. The original “Christmas Rush.”

II.  Simeon came by a revelation that was POWERFUL (Luke 2:21- 30).

Simeon’s name means “one that hears.” “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing the Word of God” (Rom. 10:17). Simeon believed the Scriptures about the coming of the Messiah.
A. Simeon was WAITING for the consolation of Israel. The Holy Ghost was upon him and made a revelation to him (vs. 25-26).
  • Simeon is a picture of a Christian who is alive when the Lord comes in the “rapture”—“…he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.” Christians who are alive when Jesus comes will never die physically.
  • Enoch is also a picture of Christians who will be raptured to heaven without dying (Heb. 11:5).

B.  Simeon was WATCHING.


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