Show A Little Kindness

Show A Little Kindness

I will shew kindness unto Hanun the son of Nahash, as his father shewed kindness unto me. — 2 Samuel 10:2

When you show kindness, your kindness will be rewarded in some way.

Many years ago an elderly couple entered the lobby of a small hotel and asked for a room. But the hotel was full. The clerk said, “I can’t send a nice couple like you out into the rain at one o’clock in the morning. Would you like to stay in my room?” The couple hesitated but the clerk insisted.

The next morning as the couple left, the man said, “You’re the kind of manager who should be the boss of the best hotel in the United States. Maybe someday I’ll build one for you.”  The clerk smiled and was amused by the man’s gesture.

Several years later the hotel clerk received a letter from that elderly man he gave his room to on that stormy night.  He asked the clerk to come to New York City for a visit and enclosed a round trip ticket for him.  When the clerk arrived, his host took him to the corner of 5th Avenue and 34th Street where stood a beautiful, elegant new building. The elderly host said to the clerk, “This is the hotel I have just built for you to manage.” The clerk said, “You’re kidding me, right?” The old man said, “No, I am serious.” The clerk asked, “Who are you?” The answer was, “I am William Waldor Astor.”  The hotel was the world famous Waldorf-Astoria. The name of the young clerk who became it’s first manager was George C. Boldt who was rewarded for showing kindness one stormy night.

Jesus said, Give and it shall be given unto you (Luke 6:38). You show kindness and kindness will be shown unto you. Try showing someone a little kindness today. You’ll be glad you did!

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2 Replies to “Show A Little Kindness”

  1. It is true that everything we do must be for God’s glory and our ultimate reward will be in heaven.. But Jesus also promised in Luke 6:38 that whatever we give will be rewarded in THIS LIFE also– “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall MEN GIVE into your bosom…”

  2. You may never see your “reward” for doing good here on earth, but be assured that God sees and will reward you in eternity. Remember, that all that you do is to be for the glory of God and not for your own reward.

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