Sin is Progressive

Sin is Progressive

Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. —John 5:14

One sin usually leads to another and sins become progressively worse. The prophet Hosea wrote, “And now they sin more and more.”  The cumulative power of sins is seen in Peter’s denial of the Lord (Luke 22:54-62).  One sin widens the road for a bigger sin to follow. Peter’s second denial was more vehement than the first. The third added the element of blasphemy.

Sin is like a miner.  It not only does its own work, it prepares the way for a larger army coming in the rear! The interior of a tree is secretly eaten away by ants, then the storm reveals and completes the destruction.

It is best to nip sin in the bud!  Never smoke that first cigarette… never take that first drink… etc.

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