Slandering Jesus–Unpardonable Sin

Slandering Jesus–Unpardonable Sin

Matthew 12:24-37; Mark 3:22-30 (Luke 12:10)

Slander is condemned in over 100 verses in Scripture. Slander is a malicious, false, and defamatory statement designed to discredit or destroy a person’s (or business’) character or reputation. It is a wicked sin.

The word “devil” actually means slanderer. He lives up to his name! Jesus was slandered on numerous occasions.

He was slandered of being crazy (Mk. 3:21). They thought He was off His rocker. It wouldn’t be any different today if Jesus were here.

This is the world’s opinion about the followers of Christ also. A successful young man who turns his back on his career to answer God’s call to the mission-field is often consider a fool. The preaching of the cross is foolishness to the world. D.L. Moody was so zealous for the Lord, the world called him “Crazy Moody.” The world said Paul was “mad” (Acts 26:24). If serving Jesus is madness, then we need more “sanctified insanity” at BBC today!

  • He was slandered as being “a man gluttonous, and a winebibber” (Mt. 11:19).
  • He was slandered as a blasphemer (Mk. 14:64; John 5:18).
  • He was slandered as spreading sedition (Luke 22:65; 23:5). Actually, Jesus supported the Roman government.
  • In our text Jesus is slandered as being in league with Satan and being possessed with an unclean spirit. He was accused of being demon-possessed on two other occasions (John 8:48, 52; 10:20).

This slander is most dangerous because it leads to what is commonly called “the unpardonable sin” (Mt. 12:31-32; Mk. 3:28-30).

What the “unpardonable sin” IS NOT:

1. IDOLATRY (Abraham)
2. MURDER (Moses, David)
3. ADULTERY (David)

4. BLASPHEMY (Paul – 1 Tim. 1:13 cf. Mk. 3:28)

6. HOMOSEXUALITY (1 Cor. 6:9-11).

The truth is, “the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us for ALL sin” (1 John 1:7). CF. Mark 3:28.

To understand what the “unpardonable sin” is, notice these four things:

I.  The SETTING of the slander (Mt 12:22-23).

A.  Christ’s ACTION (v. 22). Jesus cast out “a devil,” and set a man free from Satan’s oppression.

1.   Jesus was mounting a frontal assault on the kingdom of Satan.  1 John 3:8 says, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

And that is what He was doing each time he cast out devils. He busted devils on at least 10 different occasions. Mark 1:34 says Jesus “cast out many devils.”

2.  You can bet that Satan didn’t like it! How would you like it if someone broke into your house and took your children away?

B.  The people’s AMAZEMENT (v. 23). The people rightly  acknowledge who Jesus is. Satan is not going to sit idly by without mounting opposition to Christ’s popularity.

II.  The SPEAKERS of the slander (Mt. 12:24).

A.  Their IDENTITY. The slander came from unsaved religionists. This is where most of Christ’s opposition came from. They were already plotting how they might get rid of Jesus (v. 14).
– One of Satan devices is to make his wickedness appear respectable under the disguise of religion (2 Cor. 11:14-15).
B.  Their INSINUATION. Instead of rejoicing over the healing of the demon-possessed man, the Pharisees slandered Jesus as being in cahoots with Satan.
“Beelzebub” (NT cf. Mt 10:25; 12:24-27—Lord of flies / filth [ISBE]) / “Baal-zebub” (OT [Strong’s: dung-god]). A name for Satan—the prince of devils—loathsome and associated with all things dirty and filthy.
Partial Sermon: FULL PDF HERE

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