“Basket Cases”

“Basket Cases”

We sometimes hear about someone who is so messed up that they are referred to as a “basket case.” They appear to be trapped in a hopeless no-win situation.  However, I’ve seen God take some of these so-called “basket cases” and turn their lives around. Individuals  whom many had given up on are now walking with the Lord and have become productive members of society.  It is wonderful to see how God can take someone out of their “basket” situation and use them for His glory!

There are a few “basket cases” in the Bible.  I think of Moses who was put in a basket as a helpless baby and set adrift in the Nile River.   Who would have thought that God would take the baby Moses out of that crude basket and make him the deliver of His people out of Egypt and write the first five books in the Bible!

Paul was another “basket case.”  He wrought havoc with the early church and was greatly feared by the disciples.  But God saved Paul.  Then the Jews, whom Paul worked for, turned against him and sought to kill him.  But the disciples rescued Paul by letting him escape in a basket (Acts 9:25).  Who would have thought that God would take Paul out of that basket and later use him to write thirteen books of the New Testament and become the apostle of the Gentiles!

Do you know of someone who is a “basket case?” Who knows what will become of that “basket case.”  Maybe you consider yourself a “basket case.” Never underestimate what God can do with a “basket case.”  God specializes in “basket cases.” God takes the left-overs of life and puts them baskets so none are wasted (John 6:12-13)!

6 Replies to ““Basket Cases””

  1. Preacher-I too was a basket case, I was an blackout drinking alcoholic by age 13 and shortly after entering the military I got addicted to other substances. I spent the next 27 years of my life drunk and high.
    God had a plan for this basket case and by the grace of god I have been clean for 29 year and sober for 24 years. God has blessed me with a wonderful Godly wife, a good home, and a great family, a good income, and most of all he has blessed my family with a wonderful
    church to serve the Lord in. Praise Him, Praise Him. His mercy is most excellent! 2 Corinthians 9:8. –and God is able……Amen Dewey

  2. Yes, baskets have holes thru which everything spills out. But God can use a useless life and makes a useful life for Him. He did this in my life.

  3. Amen Linda. Thanks for posting your comments. I trust the Lord will use it to encourage others who read it.

  4. I have been the basket case you write aboutand because of grace, mercy, love and patience I now have been steadily walking with Jesus for 26 years. Someone dear and close to my heart is now a “basket case”. But I have cnfidence that what Christ did for me He will also do for her. For sure, there is always HOPE when we give our basket to the Lord. Forwith God, all things are possible. praise the Lord HE is in the miracle business of changing lives!

  5. And when He fed the 4,000 and 5,000 He reserved the “basket cases” for another day… useful baskets!

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