Songs in the Night

Songs in the Night

But none saith, Where is God  my maker, who giveth SONGS IN THE NIGHT (Job 35:10)

Some of the most beautiful singing canaries in the world have come from the Harz Mountains of Germany.   But during World War I, it became impossible to find one of these little songbirds.

So a dealer in New York came up with the idea of training an American finch to sing just like the European variety.  He had the songs of these famous birds recorded and mailed to his home.  He played them over and over each day in the room where he kept his own canaries.  At first his efforts met with little success.

Then one day he made an amazing discovery.  He found that if he covered their cages and completely shut out the light, the American birds soon learned to warble like those on the recording.

Similarly, we learn to sing God’s praises in the nighttime experiences of life. It is during those times when we are more inclined to pay attention to His voice than when we enjoy the bright days of light-hearted pleasure, which tend to distract our attention away from God.

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