I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded — 2 Tim. 1:12

Paul said, I am persuaded (Romans 8:38). Paul was a man of conviction. Convictions are beliefs we are persuaded and KNOW to be absolutely true. Your convictions/beliefs determine your behavior. For example…

If you have a conviction the Bible is the perfect Word of God, you will study it daily and submit yourself to it’s precepts.

If you have a conviction the Gospel is the only way people can be saved today, you will do all you can to propagate it.

If you have a conviction there is a literal burning hell where all unsaved people will spend eternity, you will do all you can to prevent people from going there.

If you have a conviction Christ’s coming is imminent, you will seek to be living ready to meet Him at any moment.

If you have a conviction you will someday stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give account of how you spent your life, you will invest your life in things that are eternal.

Do you hold any of these convictions?

Convictions are the “spark plugs” that keep our spiritual engine firing for God. How’s your engine running? Are you running on all cylinders, or does your engine need a spiritual tune-up? Consider your convictions.

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