Spiritual Worship

I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. —Psalms 138:2

Many churches have a person who is called “the worship leader” (a relatively new position).  He is not the pastor.  Most of the time, he is the song leader.  It is as if the singing is the worship part of a church service and the preaching is something we tag on in the end.   But, in truth, the real worship leader is the pastor who exalts and magnifies the person of God through the preaching God’s Word.

The relegating of preaching the Word to a secondary role in church is the idea of “seeker sensitive” churches.  “Seeker sensitive” churches try to find out what people are seeking from a church, and then “market” their ministry to give the seeker what they want.  Most people don’t want preaching. They want to be entertained.  This “seeker sensitive” mentality of commercially marketing the church to the world is humanistic.

God did not commission the church to go into the world and find out what it wants so we might accommodate them.   We need to find out what God wants and do it.  God commissioned the church to go into the world and give it what it needs—The preaching of the gospel.

As Craig Conner has well said— “We are not about marketing the church. We are to be churching the market!”

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