Take Time To Read Your Bible

Take Time To Read Your Bible

Take Time To Read Your Bible

Give attendance to reading. —1 Timothy 4:13

Jerry Falwell said, “Leaders are readers.” Parents should cultivate the joy of reading in their children at an early age.

Of course, what you read is very important. When Paul exhorted Timothy to “give attendance to reading,” he wasn’t referring to reading Tom Clancy, John Grisham, Louis L’amour, or the newspaper. Paul was speaking of reading the Scriptures.  We should set a goal to read through the Bible every year.

It’s easy to make excuses for not reading the Bible every day. One excuse I hear is, “I can’t understand it.” However, you don’t have to understand it to get a blessing from it.  Revelation 1:3 says, Blessed is he that READETH, and they that hear the words of this prophecy. Notice it does not say, “Blessed is he that understandeth…” Just read it, and God promises to bless you.

Some make excuses they don’t have time to read the Bible.  Consider this:  It takes Alexander Scourby about 72 hours to read the entire King James Bible out loud.  If you break that down into minutes and divide it into 365 days you could read the entire Bible aloud, cover to cover, in only 12-13 minutes a day.  Is that really too much time to spend reading the most important Book in the universe???

Notice the title of this devotion. It is not: “Find Time To Read Your Bible.” The devil will make sure you never “find” time for Bible reading. You must TAKE TIME. Schedule it and just do it!  You’ll be blessed if you do.

One Reply to “Take Time To Read Your Bible”

  1. Hi Preacher Al,

    This is the first time I am actually reading the Bible through in a year, and it helps to follow the plan in the Baptist Bread pamphlet. Sometimes I get so engrossed in the chapters I read more than I am scheduled to read. This happened recently when in Acts I got to reading about Apostle Paul and his appearances before the various entities who were trying to figure out what to do with him. Currently he has left King Agrippa and is on his way to Rome.
    I can’t wait to talk to him someday in heaven. Alice Hill

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