Tarrying By The Stuff

Tarrying By The Stuff

As his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff: they shall part alike. —1 Samuel 30:24

Two hundred of David’s men could not go on with him in pursuit of the Amalekites. They were faint and stayed at the brook Besor. When the four hundred who fought the battle returned with the spoils of victory, some did not want to share with those who had “tarried by the stuff.” But, David ruled otherwise.

For one reason or another, some of us do not get over Besor. Some saints are housed in feeble bodies or otherwise kept at Besor. They never make the headlines with the four hundred who fight on the front lines. Some prayed and toiled to keep the hardier souls in the battle, and when the final prizes are awarded “they shall part alike.”

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