Ten, the Nine, and the One

Ten, the Nine, and the One

Luke 17:11-19

In Luke 17 we have a story that is reenacted countless times in society today. It is a story of how most people fail to express thanksgiving.

One of the signs of the last days is a prevalence of ingratitude (2 Tim. 3:1-2).

For example, in the December 12, 2001 issue of USA Today — A South African man surprised nine men robbing his home. 8 of the robbers ran away, but the homeowner managed to shove one into his backyard pool.

After realizing the robber couldn’t swim, the homeowner jumped in to save him.

Once out of the pool, the wet thief called to his friends to come back, so he shoved him in again!

•Thanksgiving is more than a holiday we celebrate—it is a condition of the heart!

•More than a DAY—it is a DUTY.

•Thanksgiving is not an OPTION. It is an OBLIGATION!

No commands in the Bible to celebrate CHRISTMAS or EASTER, but we are commanded to always give thanks in all things!

Thanksgiving, is the closest SCRIPTURAL holiday America celebrates. Only a turkey WOULDN’T like Thanksgiving!

BACKGROUND (v. 11): Jesus making His last trip to Jerusalem. In one week He would be crucified. As He passes through a Samaritan village He is met by 10 lepers.

I. What was SOUGHT by the ten? (vs. 12-14).

A. Their CONDITION of leprosy (v.12).

B. Their CRY for mercy (v. 13).

C.  The COMMAND of the Lord (v.14).

II.    What was SPOKEN by the ONE?  (v. 15-160

  1. The idea here is that only the priest could pronounce them clean. To go to the priest was to believe  they would be healed.
  2. Jesus could have just healed them, THEN tell them to go to the priest. But that would not  have required any faith.
  3. When Naaman was healed for his leprosy, he was told to go dip in the Jordan seven times (2 Kings 5). Nothing happened until he acted in faith and obeyed what he was told.
  4. If these 10 lepers believed Jesus, they would simply start walking in faith to go to the priest. They did and they were instantly healed.

Salvation is putting your faith and trust in what God has said (Rom. 10:9-10, 13).

•What was SPOKEN by the one? (vs. 15-16)


Partial sermon;  SEE PDF FOR FULL SERMON

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