Thank God for GRACE

Thank God for GRACE

Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound — Romans 5:20

There is much talk about “the purpose driven church” today. While I believe we need to know our purpose, I’d prefer our church to be known as “a grace driven church.”

Someone from a different denomination who recently started attending our church, told me last week, “When I first heard the emphasis on grace, it kinda scared me.” Some people think an emphasis on grace encourages people to sin. That’s funny… I thought most people didn’t need any encouragement to sin. People sin for a very simple reason: They like to sin.

To sin less you need to find something you like more than sin. God’s grace leads a person to love God more than his sin (Titus 2:11-12).

There is no need to be afraid of grace. Instead, thank God for it!

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