Thankful for the Simple Things

Thankful for the Simple Things

…and he took the seven loaves, and gave thanks…” —Mark 8:6

When the Lord blesses you with something amazing or unexpected, you are usually quick to offer Him thanks.  However, in the common, humdrum things of everyday life, we often don’t give them a second thought and fail to thank God for the simple blessings.

Look at what Jesus gave thanks for… some loaves of bread… a few small fishes (John 6:11)… child-like faith (Mt. 11:25)… the reality that God hears our prayers (John 11:41-42).

John Henry Jowett (1863-1923) wrote:

 “Look at some of the daily commonplaces—health, sleep, bread and butter, work, friendship, a few flowers by the wayside, the laughter of children, the ministry of song, the bright day, the cool night—if I do not perceive God in these things I have a very unhallowed and insignificant road. On the other hand, the man who discovers the Divine in a loaf of bread, and lifts his song of praise, has a wonderful world, for divinity will call to him on every side.”

    Lord told Peter, “What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.” (Acts 10:15). Amen! If Lord provides it, it is clean.  God doesn’t provide unclean things.  Anything from a loaf of bread to a cup of water is far from common when God has given it! Never take the simple blessings of God for granted.

When you thank God for the “ordinary,” He makes it to become extraordinary!

One Reply to “Thankful for the Simple Things”

  1. Preacher, I really responded in spirit to this devotional. I think there can be no argument with it! God also answers small prayers and for that I am ever grateful. Today I lost a sheet from phone message pad that contained several important phone messages that I needed to respond to. I could not find it anywhere. I thought to pray and as I bowed my head to pray I saw it on the floor next to my chair. I had only gotten “Dear God”out of my mouth and God answered my simple request, but isn’t that just like God! I immediately felt warm all over and gave thanks. Dewey

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