

Giving thanks always… —Ephesians 5:20

Some form of the word “thanks” is found 139 times in the Bible. It is a word that we should either say out loud or in prayer everyday day. Paul mentioned this word in everyone one of his epistles except two (Galatians and Titus).

There are many powerful words in the English language, but few would have more power than a simple “thanks.”

Rudyard Kipling at one time was so popular that his writings were getting ten shillings per word.  A few college students, however didn’t appreciate Kipling’s writings; they facetiously sent him a letter enclosing ten shillings.  It read, “Please, send us your best word.”  They got back a letter from Kipling, “Thanks.”

Is there someone you owe a “thank-you” to? A friend? A loved one? A co-worker? An employer? Why not send a “Thank-you” note or call them right now?


4 Replies to ““Thanks””

  1. Thank you Preacher for being a faithful servant of the Lord. You have been steadfast through many hard times and came through shining. I love you Precher, its a joy to serve with you. God bless you!

  2. I’m grateful for what I have learned at this church oer the years, and also the privildge that I have been able to be a Sunday school Teacher. I enjoy the inter action working with the teens in my Sunday school class. God has blessed me over the years. I have so many things to be gratful for that I cannot een begin to list them, from Friends at church to the different ministries that I personall interact with. Thanks Pastor.

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