The best news…

The best news…


1. We are sinners.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
According to that verse, I am a sinner. According to that verse, every member of our church is a sinner. And according to that verse, you, too, are a sinner.
Sin is breaking God’s law. It is doing something God said not to do or not doing something God said to do. We are all sinners. Some sin more; some less. But EVERYONE sins!
2. The penalty for our sin is death.
The wages of sin is death… (Romans 6:23a) Some people think that if they do more good than bad, they will go to Heaven. But the Bible does not say that!
Others believe that they will go to Heaven because they were baptized. But the Bible doesn’t say that!
Some churches say, “Ours is the one true church. If you join our church, you will go to Heaven.” But the Bible doesn’t say you must join a particular church. SIN will keep you out of heaven, and we all sin!
The wages of sin is DEATH! The second death is eternity in the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:14). That is a BIG problem.

To pay for our own sins, we must die and spend eternity in hell. We have a PROBLEM that WE cannot FIX.
3. Jesus paid the penalty for us.
But God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
GOD made a plan to FIX our PROBLEM!
Jesus Christ is God the Son, Who came to live among us as a Man. After living a sinless life, the Lord Jesus went to the cross where He bled and died for our sin. After three days in the tomb, He rose from the grave, proving His power over death, sin and Satan. The wages of sin is death. Jesus died for US; so He PAID the wages of sin that WE OWED.
4. We must accept His payment for us.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
A gift is always free. If we pay even a fraction of its value, it is no longer a gift. Eternal Life is life forever in Heaven. This gift is available only through the Lord Jesus Christ.
According to Romans 6:23, we have two choices. We can pay for our sins ourselves by dying and going to Hell, OR we can accept God’s gift of eternal life and go to Heaven when we die. In other words, we either receive Jesus Christ as our Savior, taking the gift of eternal life, or, attempt to “pay our own way”. When we pay our own way, we reject Jesus Christ as our Savior, refusing His gift of eternal life, and refuse to allow HIM to pay our way to Heaven!
Romans 10:13 tells us how we can accept Gods wonderful gift of eternal life. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” To be saved, we would have to be saved from something. If I were drowning and you threw me a rope, I would say that you had saved me from drowning. When we pray and ask the Lord Jesus to save us, He saves us from our sin and from the penalty of death in Hell.
Will you trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior? Will you rely on Him and Him alone to forgive your sin and give you everlasting life in Heaven?
If you will, say the following prayer to the Lord. To do anything other than receiving Christ is to reject Him.
Lord, I admit that I am a sinner. I don’t deserve to go to Heaven. But I believe that you sent your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for my sin. I trust Him, and Him alone to forgive my sin, to become my Savior and to take me to Heaven when I die. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus Name, Amen.
In John 6:37 Jesus says Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out. If you sincerely accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, He promises to let you into Heaven when you die. He promises that He will not under any circumstances (in no wise) cast you out.
Thats the best news in the world! 
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