As we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God. —1 Thessalonians 2:4

I’ve had a few occasions when I’ve preached with prominent preachers in the congregation. At first it made me nervous to have “big preachers” like Dr. Tom Malone and Dr. Peter Ruckman sitting on the front row while I preached. I’ve since learned that the “big preachers” are much easier to preach to than scornful Christians who often occupy the pews.

It is liberating when a preacher realizes he is preaching for Jesus Christ, not the praise of some man. After all, the “biggest Preacher” in any meeting is the One who can’t be seen (Mt. 18:20). It is best to just let Him do the preaching through us.

I’ve tried to keep three things in mind each time I preach: (1) This could be the last sermon I ever preach. (2) This could be the last sermon someone in the pew may ever hear. (3) Preach like Jesus is one the front row… because He is.

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