The Gospel According to the Little Red Hen

The Gospel According to the Little Red Hen

Do you remember the Mother Goose story of the Little Red Hen? Here are TWO different versions:

Scene 1 (Mother Goose Version)
Once upon a time there was a farm. One day the Little Red Hen was scratching in the farmyard, when she found a grain of wheat.
“Who will plant the wheat?” said she.
“Not I,” said the duck.
“Not I,” said the cat.
“Not I,” said the dog.
“Very well then,” said the Little Red Hen, “I will.” So she planted the grain of wheat.
After some time the wheat grew tall and ripe. “Who will cut the wheat?” Asked the Little Red Hen.
“Not I,” said the duck. “I have other things to do.”
“Not I,” said the cat. “I don’t like the dog.”
“Not I,” said the dog. “That’s not my job.”
“Very well then, I will,” said the Little Red Hen. So she cut the wheat.
“Now,” she said, “who will thresh the wheat?”
“Not I,” said the duck. “That’s not my job.”
“Not I,” said the cat. “I have other things to do.”
“Not I,” said the dog. “I don’t like the cat.”
“Very well then, I will,” said the Little Red Hen. So she threshed the wheat.
When the wheat was threshed, she said, “Who will take the wheat to the mill to have it ground into flour?”
“Not I,” said the duck. “I don’t like the cat and dog.”
“Not I,” said the cat. “That’s not my job.”
“Not I,” said the dog. “I have other things to do.”
“Very well then, I will,” said the Little Red Hen. So she took the wheat to the mill.
When the wheat was ground into flour, she said, “Who will make this flour into bread?”
“Not I,” said the duck.
“Not I,” said the cat.
“Not I,” said the dog.
“Very well then,” said the Little Red Hen, “I will,” and she baked a lovely loaf of bread.
Then she said, “Who will eat the bread?”
“Oh, I will,” said the duck.
“Oh, I will,” said the cat.
“Oh, I will,” said the dog.
“Oh, no you won’t!” said the Little Red Hen. “I will.” And she called her chicks and shared the bread with them.

SCENE 2: Here is a church version!
Once upon a time there was a church. One day the Lord found a lost and dying world, enslaved in sin and destined for hell.
“Who will share the gospel with those who know not the way of life eternal?” said He.
“Not I,” said the elder.
“Not I,” said the deacon.
“Not I,” said the Sunday School worker.
“Not I,” said the choir member.
“Not I,” said the member.
“Very well, then,” said the Lord. “I will find someone else.” And He did!

After some time the gospel seed sprouted and grew. “Who will teach these young in faith the way of righteousness and truth?” asked the Lord.
“Not I,” said the elder. “I have other things to do.”
“Not I,” said the deacon. “That is not my job.”
“Not I,” said the choir member. “I do not like the deacon.”
“Not I,” said the member. “Let the Sunday school worker do it.”
“Very well, then,” said the Lord. “I will find someone else to teach my Word.” And He did!
“Now,” said the Lord, “the church has children and teenagers. Who will shepherd and direct them in My ways?”
“Not I,” said the elder. “That is not my job.”
“Not I,” said the deacon. “I do not like the singer.”
“Not I,” said the choir member. “Let the member do it.”
“Not I,” said the Sunday school worker. “I have other things to do.”
“Very well, then,” said the Lord. “I will find another.” And He did!
Again the Lord said, “The meeting house needs some work. Who will help clean it, mend its roof, paint its walls so that it may bring honor to my name and joy to those who gather there?”
“Not I,” said the deacon. “I have other things to do.”
“Not I,” said the Sunday School worker. “That is not my job.”
“Not I,” said the member. “Let the deacon do it.”
“Very well,” said the Lord. “I will find someone else.” And He did!
Later the Lord said, “Some of my children are in need. Who will share what is theirs so that others may have?”
“Not I,” said the elder. “Let the deacon do it.”
“Not I,” said the deacon. “Let the Sunday school worker do it.”
“Not I,” said the Sunday school worker. “Let the choir member do it.”
“Not I,” said the choir member. “Let the member do it.”
“Not I,” said the member. “Let the elder do it.”
“Very well, then,” said the Lord. “I will find someone else.” And He did!
Eventually, after the gospel was preached, the weak taught, the young guided, the meeting house repaired, and those in need helped, the Lord said, “Who will receive a crown for faithful service? Who will come and reign over cities in my Kingdom?”
“I will!” said the elder.
“I will!” said the deacon.
“I will!” said the Sunday school worker.
“I will!” said the choir member.
“I will!” said the member.
“No, you will not,” replied the Lord. “My rewards will go to those who do My will, not their own.”

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