The Greatest Man???

The Greatest Man???

The Greatest Man?

Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth—Job 1:8

While on vacation last week Barb and I attended the Bible Baptist Church in Kalispell, MT.  The pastor is our friend, Nathan Bemis.  What a blessing it was to hear Brother Bemis teach the adult class and preach in the worship service.  In his S.S. lesson he said something I never heard before. He was talking about what a great Christian Paul was. But he added that he believed there was someone greater than Paul—That person was Job. I’ve been thinking about that.

Paul didn’t have to deal with an embittered wife like Job did.  Job suffered the catastrophic loss of everything he owned and all ten of his children in one day. Paul never faced a tragedy like this.  While Paul suffered physically, Job’s intense pain covered him from his head to his toes.

Jesus said John the Baptist was the greatest man born among the prophets (Luke 7:28).  There is no disputing this. But the greatness of John was considered within the confines of a group of men called prophets.  But God said of Job, “there is none like him in the earth”  and he “was perfect and upright… the greatest of all men of the east” (Job. 1:1-3). When God wanted to give us an example of a righteous life, He singled out three men—Noah, Daniel, and Job (Ezek. 14:14, 20).

When you consider all the trials, troubles, and tribulations Job endured, I believe Brother Bemis has a good point about Job (see James 5:10-11).  Say what you will… It would behoove us to take a second look at Job and learn how to respond to suffering and trials.

One Reply to “The Greatest Man???”

  1. Preacher,

    I can readily understand Brother Bemis’ point of view. I opine that Job was a great man and how can you argue with the word, Job was the greatest man of the east. He certainly ranks well near the top in my Who’s Who of the Bible.

    Let me take a moment to your e-mail requesting prayer and forgiveness. I pray for you daily.
    I have never noticed any not appropriate anger from your pulpit. I consider the comments that were made about your preaching to be “sour grapes”. Good preaching should occasionaly step on toes! The more mature I get as a Christian the more I get my toes stepped on! I think that it is part and parcel of pressing on toward the mark of the high calling of Jesus Christ.

    I also want to tell you that I really enjoyed Brother Koning and his message. We got a sign from him and I am going to set it up today. What a heart that man has for people. We would all do well to imitate him in that regard.

    I will see you soon. Remember that we have life group here on Fridays and you and your family are always more than welcome.

    Brother Dewey (II Coirinthians 9:8)..

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